Male Depression and Suicide


There are clear links between male depression and suicide. The vast majority of men who die from suicide, turn out to have had depression, clinical depression or depressive illness.

The emotional pain of depression can feel very bad indeed. A doctor who had lots of illnesses said that the pain he had from depression was  worse than the pain of a heart attack or a kidney stone! But all pain can be helped, and all painful conditions can pass spontaneously or be wiped out by a professional. Go to see a friend, colleague, a doctor or a health professional, such as a psychologist or counsellor. Or get free anonymous help here.


Defining Depression

Depression causes a change in your brain chemistry and in your ability to think, brought about by stress, so that all you are allowed to see in life are the negatives of life, with the positives being filtered out. It is subtle and persuasive.

If you are having trouble being able to read and remember what you read at the same level as a year ago, then it is very likely you have developed depression.

Impaired concentration and poor memory, are strong indicators that your brain chemistry has been affected. If this has happened, you really cannot trust your judgment, as it is like having a computer virus that is distorting what you see and how you calculate the situation.


Coping with Emotional Pain and Stress

Various life events can heighten emotional pain, and dealing with increased levels of stress can cause you to consider all sorts of possibilities to escape the pain. You would never advise a friend to die to escape pain, as you know that all pain will eventually stop. Do not throw away the rest of your life due to a temporary pain, no matter how severe it is.

The illness may try to fool you into thinking you are alone, but the reality is that lots of people want to save your life, just as you would if the positions were reversed.



Read more about …

  • Signs of depression men
  • High levels of stress due to work or family issues
  • Depression after divorce
  • Problems with Anger Management



And please remember that if you do end your life by suicide, you significantly increase the risk that those close to you, including your children, will also kill themselves!

Is this a legacy that you want to leave your family?